2000 Bolivian Simpsons Fans Heroically Protest Simpsons Time Slot Change

If you love something dearly, it’s worth fighting for. Even for simply giving us this excellent reaction gif, forever associating the words “dental plan” with the greatest episode of all time, and for being there for our whole goddamn lives, The Simpsons is one of those things that just isn’t an exception. Recently going down hill and potentially jumping the shark be damned.

A reported 2000 Simpsons loyalists in Bolivia have made headlines across the world today after doing God’s work: a protest against a local network’s time slot change inspired the swarm of protesters to take to the streets. After all, there’s no justice like angry-mob justice. The change, it should be noted, was a recent downgrade of the show’s 2 hour-long daily broadcast to a mere 45 minutes, an insult of grave proportions if we’ve ever heard one.

The protest was reportedly held over the country in cities such as La Paz, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba.

The result, you’ll be thrilled to know, was successful: the network’s broadcast has been embiggened to two hours once again. How perfectly cromulent!

Watch the protesters below (no english subtitles, but you get the gist). 

via io9.