The First Ever ‘World Whale Heritage Site’ Status Was Just Given To QLD’s Own Hervey Bay

Hervey Bay - World Whale Heritage Site - Humpback Whale

In HUGE news, Hervey Bay has become the first Whale Heritage Site in the world, as dubbed by the World Cetacean Alliance (WCA) at its international conference in Hervey Bay today.

It’s impossible to live in Australia and not have some clue that Hervey Bay is the place to go for a spot of whale watching, so it makes sense it’s now been officially recognised.

What exactly does this mean? Thanks to not only the number of whales to see but also the sustainable practices of operators and respectful (ie. not all up in the poor whale’s space) interactions that help protect these giant ocean creatures, Hervey Bay is now recognised as the best whale watching destination in the world.

In case you somehow weren’t aware, the calm waters of Hervey Bay provide a perfect refuge for mama humpbacks migrating south to the Antartic with their brand new calves in tow. During the season – from August to October – they’ll stop and rest here, making for some adorable and playful displays.

You may have almost missed this season, but time to start planning for the next one yeah?