That Bitch Inflation Has Made It Personal By Hiking Up The Cost Of Icy Poles To Magnum Prices

icy poles inflation servo prices reddit

I come to you with some truly spiritually damaging news: inflation has hiked the price of the humble servo icy pole up so high it’s honestly baffling. Please take a moment to sit with this information, I understand it’s quite distressing.

A Redditor posted a photo of the current prices of ice creams at their local servo freezer on Friday, highlighting just how much the price of all our favourite frozen sweeties has spiked in recent times. Mates, it’s fucked me right up.

Inflation IRL
byu/lonewolf9378 inaustralia

The bog-standard lemonade icy pole carried a $2.75 price tag, which has fully blown me backwards off my seat. Excuse me? Nearly THREE dollars? For an ICY POLE? What in the fresh hell is this price?

At the risk of sounding like a real grandpa reminiscing on the “good old days”, I’m pretty sure these summery treats were much cheaper last time I checked. A dollar at most. Not nearing the price of a fancy-ass, top-of-the-line Magnum ice cream.

Christ, if that’s the price for an icy pole, I shudder to think how much a Magnum Ego is going for these days.

It’s also not lost on me that Paddle Pops are now $3.50 instead of also being like $1.20. I firmly believe that a choccy Paddlep Pop shouldn’t cost the same as an adult ice cream.

Let’s not gloss over the fact that apparently Maxibons, Drumsticks and Golden Gaytimes are the price of a coffee from a Melbourne café now. $5.50 for one (1) ice cream from the servo? It’s nowhere near April 1st so this can’t be some kind of elaborate prank designed purely to feed out existential crises.

Bloody hell, before too long they’ll be telling us we can’t afford to buy a house because we keep buying ice creams as a treat.

The OP @lonewolf9378 added that the Connoisseur sticks were retailing at $5.95 at this particular servo which feels like some daylight robbery bullshit, if you ask me.

I suppose it’s good to know that servo sweeties are so ‘spenno because now I’m just going to buy boxes of Frosty Fruits (the best icy pole) from the supermarket until these prices drop (which they probably never will).