You Can Now Tag People In Instagram

Instagram’s new 3.5 update for iOS and Android includes a pragmatic new function that Facebook users will be very familiar with. In accordance with the non-creepy stalking and narcissism levels of the 21st century, when you upload a photo to
Instagram, you are now able to boast about tag your famous/good looking/cool friends in that image.

Unlike Facebook, however, only users themselves can tag people in their own photos, ensuring that Jonny McRandom over there doesn’t claim to be your mate BECAUSE HE ISN’T. All images of you taken by others will hang out in a new section called Photos of You, which is able to be configured so that approval is required before images are published (they will still exist just not in your Photos of You section), giving users the face-saving power to discreetly eliminate any and all images taken from their ugly side or with uncool people like their parents. Or, you know, that time you ate a kebab at 4am with no shoes on.