Super Creepy Semi-Pro Gamer Cops 1000-Year Ban For Sexually Harassing A Kid

Reece Bloom, a semi-professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player, has been banned from tournament service ESEA for 1000 years after allegedly sexually harassing a 15-year-old girl. 
One. Thousand. Years. 
Or 365,000 days.
And like, good on them, because the interactions between Bloom and the girl are deeply creepy. Bloom’s ESEA account officially lists him as banned until June 6 3016 for “malicious activity“, which, sure, that’s definitely one way to describe his offences. Another way might be “startlingly brazen grooming of an underage girl“, or maybe “referring to oneself as Daddy without a shred of irony“, which deserves at least a 1000-year ban in my opinion.
A spokesperson for ESEA told Kotaku Australia that Bloom was “banned due to his interactions with a member of the community“, and insisted that “these types of actions are not acceptable“.
The chat logs have been uploaded to Imgur here, but I warn you: they are very very extremely NSFW and probably not safe for human consumption at all. Evidence: “Some would call it rape but we both know you want it“; “I just don’t care that I’m a pedophile“; an actual dick pic. You’ve been warned. 
Gotta say though, I will give ESEA props for dealing with this kind of harassment in a way not traditionally associated with gaming – which has historically had its reputation marred by sexism and bullying. I reckon a 1000-year ban is a great response to a number of transgressions. Standing on the wrong side of the escalator? 1000-year ban. On your phone in the cinema? 1000-year ban. Sexually harassing a minor? DEFINITELY a 1000-year ban, and also you get fired out of a cannon into the sun. 

Image: ESEA.