Run The World (Girls) At Nike’s Inaugural Night Run

As someone currently in the hot phase of a hot/cold relationship with running 13km, I’m pretty bummed that I lack the necessary hardware that would enable me to compete in Nike’s inaugural ladies-only night run, dubbed She Runs The Night (Girls). It’s just called She Runs The Night. Ignore that last bit.

The 13km event will take place in Sydney’s Centennial Park on May 3rd and the race – yes, it’s a race so none of this light-hearted, moving at a pace that allows you to carry on an in-depth conversation crap – will kick off at 7pm at the Royal Hall of Industries in the Entertainment Quarter, winding its way around Centennial Park underneath the halo (halo) of light provided from a fully-lit course. All the independent women are encouraged to run with their survivor lady friends, and most importantly, win have fun.

This sounds like a pretty great opportunity to take the best things about reclaiming the night (from #KONY), exercising (winning) and socialising (also winning) and turn them into a one off opportunity to run through Centennial Park at a time when you’d probably be ill-advised to do so on any other day.

You can register for the race at the event’s official Facebook page, and rego will close at midnight on Sunday, April 22nd, or until sold out prior to the event.

See you there, ladies. I’ll be this guy: