Rooftopping: Planking’s Extreme Cousin Emerges

Cast your mind back to mid-2011, when planking, pillaring, teapotting and other dumb shit became a thing. It would be nice if people would remember this old dumb shit, and how dumb it was, when new dumb shit comes along, and they can use their powers of hindsight to help them decide not to do the new dumb shit, and slowly but surely we could eradicate dumb shit from our lives altogether.

Rooftopping, the act of getting on the edge of a high rise rooftop and posting a photo on social media, is the more extreme older cousin of all those meaningless fads, but it’s creeping its way out of the underground and Queensland police are worried could have direr consequences than just looking back in two years time and going “what they fuck were we doing?” 

Police Inspector David Morganti told ABC News “rooftopping is classed as an ‘unregulated, high-risk activity’ and offenders could also face more $1,500 in fines and also be prosecuted for trespassing. Obviously we are concerned about the public safety aspect. It’s high risk, it’s dangerous and we don’t want to see people getting hurt or injured or worse.”

“We don’t want to have to go in to someone’s door and knock on their parents door and tell them that someone’s been seriously injured conducting this kind of irresponsible and highly risky behaviour.”

If something as seemingly harmless as planking could end up being fatal (and it was, in one case) it’s surely only a matter of time before a rooftopper meets a nasty end.

Via ABC News. Lead Image via Facebook