North Korea Is Now Threatening A “Nuclear Strike” Against Australia

North Korea has reacted angrily to recent comments by Australian officials, accusing us of “spouting a stream of rubbish” and threatening a possible “nuclear strike” if our relationship with the U.S. continues.   
The latest round of rhetoric comes after Foreign Minister Julie Bishop appeared on the ABC‘s AM program this week to warn that North Korea could pose a “significant threat” to Australia unless the international community steps in.
North Korea’s Foreign Ministry directly addressed Bishop’s comments in a statement, saying:

“[She had] better think twice about the consequences to be entailed by her reckless tongue-lashing before flattering the US. It is hard to expect good words from the foreign minister of such a government. But if she is the foreign minister of a country, she should speak with elementary common sense about the essence of the situation.”
The statement also threatened retaliation against Australia in the form of a nuclear strike, saying:

“The present Government of Australia is blindly and zealously toeing the US line. If Australia persists in following the US’ moves to isolate and stifle North Korea … this will be a suicidal act of coming within the range of the nuclear strike of the strategic force of North Korea.”
The comments coincide with U.S. Vice-President Mike Pence‘s high-profile visit to Australia, which has seen him meet with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to discuss the current North Korean situation. 
Pence has said that “all options are on the table” with regards to the isolated nation, but has indicated that the U.S. continues to favour diplomacy over the use of military force at this stage.
Source: ABC News.

Photo: Washington Post Archive / Getty.