Manning Cartell Reinvents The Pin-up Girl

The pin-up girl comes in many guises. From diminutive miniskirt pioneer Twiggy in the Sixties to the swimsuit-clad Baywatch cast members stapled in the centre of surf mags. No specific rules or criteria applies except for this: if you can pin up her picture on a wall she’s a pin-up girl. Manning Cartell has found inspiration in one of the most iconic incarnations of the pin-up for Autumn 2012: the Varga Girl.

Without ever borrowing too heavily from Alberto Vargas – the artist responsible for some of the most gorgeous vintage pin-up art ever, Manning Cartell celebrates modern female beauty with a few cheeky references to the past thrown in – pussy bows, pencil skirts, cinched waists and flashes of flesh via transparent lace. These elements are contrasted with masculine tailoring, strong shoulders, manly trousers and some truly kick ass outerwear that ensures the collection never falls too far into the past.

‘Varga Girls’ is one of the most cohesive collections Manning Cartell have produced yet. It will be available online and in store at Manning Cartell boutiques, as well as selected stockists from February 2012.