Kylie Jenner Crashed A HS Prom Outta Nowhere And Good Lord, The Screams

It’s du jour to take a punt at inviting celebrities along to your decidedly civilian social events. Consider the plucky young bloke who recently emulated La La Land’s entire opening number in an attempt to woo Emma Stone to his prom. 

But those campaigns seems to rely on a solid social media gimmick, or at least a solid hashtag. That’s why Kylie Jenner appearing at student Alberto Ochoa’s high school prom seems so random – it seems to have come outta nowhere, yet another non sequitur venture for the most famous extended family in show business.
Jenner first hinted at the visit on her Snapchat, replete in prom-appropriate attire with friendo Jordyn Woods and the interior of a private bloody jet.

We’re just going to drop some vision in here to get you acquainted with the eventual scene. By scene, we mean absolute scenes.

Jenner accompanied Ochoa to the Rio Americano High School prom in Sacramento, California, ostensibly after Ochoa’s original date for the dance turned him down. Luckily for her, she seemed to have a sense of humour about the ordeal. 

It’s not immediately apparent which mechanism Ochoa used to arrange the date, but hell, shout outs to him – and to his fellow students who, judging by the videos above, are probably unable to shout out anything until their vocal chords recover.

Source: Complex.
Photo: sonnyekopak / Twitter.