Fashion Fail: The C String (Possibly NSFW)

The C-String may be the most redundant and dare we say hoe-tastic piece of clothing we’ve ever laid our eyes on. It possesses that mystical cringe inducing “so…bad…but…can’t…look…away” quality of car crashes and bad stand up comedy.

Advertised as “a completely new and exciting innovation in lingerie” the C-String is more like a C-Shoehorn and promises you can “say goodbye to panty line and uncomfortable straps. Say hello to a sexy new freedom.” That sexy new freedom of course coming at a cost – the respect of your friends, family and co-workers.

Despite the creepiness of the product itself, the most disturbing part of the site would have to be the following testimonial:

I want to compliment you guys so much!

A girlfriend got me to try the C String last year. At first I wore it just around our house, then under my jeans when going out. It’s quite comfortable, I’d say more so than my thongs, even while sitting through hours-long boring college lectures. In fact you can easily forget you even have it on! The real test was a month later at the beach on vacation overseas. I admit at first I was dreadfully insecure at the thought of it falling off while walking around without me noticing and leaving me totally nude (it was a topless beach). But it didn’t and provided me with some necessary modesty down there. But I do have to admit it was kind of fun watching some of the guys do a double-take but not getting to see what they wanted. LOL!

Shudder. I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

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