Condé Nast Twittergate

Those seasoned witch-hunters, the Americans, are at it again: this time, however, 17th Century bonnets or whatever they wore during the McCarthy era are not de rigeur among the hunting party.

The hunt is on at Condé Nast for the account holder of anonymous Twitter feed @CondeElevator, whose week-old insight into the literal ups and downs of No.4 Times Square has ruffled the couture feathers of the powers that be at one of the world’s most prestigious publishing houses, whose titles include foremost Vogue, Vanity Fair, GQ & Allure.

Australia has a longstanding tradition of anonymous whistle-blowing both on and off line. Marieke Hardy’s Reasons Why You Will Hate Me was one such blog that ended back in 2008, and similarly, 4 Inch Heels Only provided an insight into the finely-manicured underbelly of ACP Magazines. @CondeElevator, however, has taken things to another level.

The rogue from Vogue has captivated some 63, 831 followers with often harmless and hilarious vox pops concerning everything from what (not) to eat, wear and say to that rash you get on your wrist from wearing your Cartier. You know what I mean, right? Of course you do.

In a statement made to, a Condé spokeswoman said “We have no idea if this is real or made up and don’t know who is behind it but it certainly suggests that many people care a great deal about what happens at Condé Nast.” On whether or not the account will be allowed to remain active: “We are still looking into it, so I don’t know what will or won’t happen.”

In an effort to hold onto their job at the publishing house – and presumably any prospect of future employment elsewhere – the account issued a final tweet this morning calling it quits:

The account remains standing as of this afternoon, and with it, my hope for a future filled with further witticisms that leave Condé’s corporate suits quaking in their S/S11 boots.
