CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: QLD Woman Reckons She Got Within Metres of A Legit Yowie

The Yeti, Bigfoot, the Yowie, Elvis: all well known mythical creatures – or are they???

The earliest recorded Yowie sightings date back as far as the late 1700s, and alleged modern sightings have happened infrequently, including this not super convincing video shot in 2000:
Recently, however, a Queensland bushwalker reckons she had a close encounter with a Yowie in the Darling Downs region near Brisbane and Toowoomba, getting mere metres away from the beast.
The unnamed woman told the aptly named Yowie Hunters that the creature was bloody yuge:
“It was probably around seven foot tall, it had a head like a gorilla and long arms, I couldn’t see it from the waist down because it was walking through the long grass.

“I tried to get it to turn around but I was scared and didn’t want to aggravate him.”
Apparently the Yowie just sat down near her and ignored her, which is a bit rude but extremely chill.
Listen to her interview here:
According to the Australian Yowie Research website, in the past 5 years there’s been over 10 Yowie sightings in Queensland alone. I’m convinced: the Yowie is real, and my friend.
Source: ABC News.