Chat to the Ghostbustin’ Legend Dan Aykroyd

Buster of ghosts, brother of Blues, pioneer of the cone-shaped head, distiller of badass vodka – there are MANY reasons as to why we love Dan Aykroyd. Adding to that list is the fact that he is hitting our shores next week and is planning on offering up some life advice on Pedestrian Coach.

That’s right, THE Dan Aykroyd is coming to Australia JUST to be our next Pedestrian Coach.

Okay, he’s actually coming out to spread the word about his Crystal Head Vodka – quadruple-distilled and triple-filtered through Herkimer diamond crystals [shine bright like a diamun’] – but we’re more excited about the whole Coach thing.

Appearing in 94 movies and/or TV shows since 1975, we feel he’s
probably got a teensy bit of life experience up his sleeve – life
experience he now wants to share with YOU.

If you wanna pick his brain about life, the universe and all things Ghostbusters 1, 2 or 3 sign up for our Pedestrian Coach session on Wednesday October 9. We’ll be chatting to him about his life and career (and possibly some drinking advice) and YOU’LL be asking him whatever you want.

We’re practicing our dance moves already.