ACT Passes Same Sex Marriage Law

Today is an ecstatic, historic day in Australia’s history. Just before midday this morning, the Labor’s ACT Government passed their Marriage Equality Same-Sex Bill in the legislative assembly.

This morning before voting on the act, a debate ensued on both sides in light of the impending passing of the bill. While the bill certainly didn’t pass unanimously, with a narrow win of 9 votes to 8, arguments for the bill to be passed were passionate. The openly gay Deputy Chief Minister Andrew Barr delivered an emotional address while recounting “the sacrifice and the struggle”of the LGBT community in the ACT.

Once the law passed, speaker of the ACT Legislative Assembly Shane Rattenbury said, “I am proud to stand for equality. I am proud to stand for decency
and I am proud to stand for respect….Perhaps
most simply I am proud to stand in support of the notion that two
people who love each other should be able to get married.”

The laws, according to the ABC, are epxected to face opposition by the Federal government and may be overturned in the High Court. Despite this, provided they give four weeks notice of their wedding, same sex couples will be eligible to be married by an authorised celebrant by Christmas.

Today is a momentus day in Australia’s progression towards equality. And in light of their history-making law, ACT will now officially be known as this. *Applauds*

Via ABC.