A Man Accidentally Shot Himself In The Balls After A Facebook Gun-Owner Meme Went Very Wrong

A Californian man appears to have accidentally shot himself in the balls after failing a dangerous social media challenge, posting a video of the incident to Facebook as the gory proof.

On Tuesday, a member of the Facebook group Loaded Guns pointed at [B]enis posted a confronting image: a shot of his bare legs, a towel, and what seemed to be blood splattered across the floor.

Bafflingly, a copy of the US Constitution could be seen on the side of the frame.

“Hey bois, I might have fucked up,” the user wrote. Subsequent photos appeared to confirm that statement, with the man writing “God’s caliber went through my scrotum, mattress, boxspring, and floor.”

A short video clip appeared to confirm as much, showing the man pointing a 1911 handgun at his crotch, moving his pointer finger to the trigger, and accidentally discharging the weapon.

A follow-up selfie showed the man in hospital, pointing at his groin – with his hand, this time.

“Turns out it wasn’t a graze, that round went right the fuck through me,” he wrote. “What I thought were two graze wounds turned out to be an entrance and exit wound.”

While the posts have since been deleted from the group, they were recorded and shared elsewhere on social media.

The Imperial County Sheriff’s Office confirmed the incident to Vice News.

A spokesperson from the San Diego Police Department told the outlet that officers were called to a local hospital to attend to a patient with a self-inflicted gunshot wound, but the man was gone before the police arrived.

In case you’re desperate to find out what happened to the fella: An admin of the group, which has mysteriously vanished from Facebook’s search results, said he was “100% okay” and clocked on to work the next day.

Oh, members of the group have also hailed the guy as a hero, and installed him as an administrator for his troubles.

The reason why so many men are pointing live firearms at their junk stems to a protracted online argument among gun owners.

Vice News states a schism formed roughly a year ago, dividing gun owners who focus on firearm safety, and those who believe entry-level gun culture places an undue and condescending emphasis on, you know, not accidentally blowing your balls out.

More extreme adherents of the latter faction began posting pictures of themselves ignoring ‘trigger discipline’ – the idea that you should only have your finger on the trigger of a gun if you’re prepared to destroy what it’s pointed it.

This led to some gun owners posting photos of themselves pointing loaded pistols directly at their junk, to display their mastery of their firearms and their disregard for what they see as cloying safety rules.

This subculture broke into the mainstream conscience in May this year, when writer and filmmaker Dylan Park shared a few choice screenshots to his Twitter page.


He identified the posts as the result of “MAGA dolts”, but it really does appear this isn’t a political thing, per se.

Instead, it seems to be a massively escalated form of fandom beef, which has now led to oh-so-predictable consequences.