WATCH: ‘The Project’ Apologises To PTSD-Suffering War Vet For Airlift Story

The past 48 hours has been jam-packed with the media’s contrition for fucking up stories related to mental health.

The LAD Bible poked fun at Wentworth Miller’s weight gain, but did a complete 180° after the actor opened up about his contributing mental health struggles; similarly, The Project has just apologised to war veteran Aaron Worboys over their take on his story. 

Worboys was hiking on Queensland’s Mount Warning on Monday night when he suffered a debilitating episode related to his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He was subsequently airlifted off the mountain, with various news sources claiming it was due to his lacking fitness. 

Just as The Project’s panel cleared their misunderstanding up, Worboys explained he’s well aware of his fitness levels, thank you very much. He said that on a physical basis, the hike was honestly no big deal.

What follows is a pretty frank discussion of the condition from Worboys’ perspective. When questioned by Waleed Aly over the limitations PTSD may place on him, he said “I’m not going to hide.”

“Many psychiatrists and psychologists will tell you, you know, get out there and live your life… you know mate, I’ve had episodes in the middle of Woolworths, at one stage.”
The segment also unexpectedly delivers the most well-timed and well-received joke of Peter Helliar’s career, pertaining to being airlifted out of the internet’s noxious comment sections. 

Anyway, it’s well worth your time to hear the man give his own side of the story. Watch below:

Source and photo: The Project / Twitter.