WATCH: Senator Uses 45 Secs Of His Allocated 20 Mins To Slam Plebiscite

Absolutely zero faff coming from Western Australia’s Labor Senator, Glenn Sterle, last night during the blocking of the same-sex marriage plebiscite. A strict no-faff zone. No fart-arsing around here, mate. 

During the post-dinner sitting, Sterle was given 20 minutes to share his thoughts on the impending plebiscite of doom. He proved he’s a man of few words – cos he was done and dusted and walked off after 45 seconds. 

“December last year I had one of the proudest moments in my life when I got to walk my daughter down the aisle for her wedding and I thought to myself, ‘Wouldn’t it be lovely if every parent could have that opportunity?’” Sterle said.

Sterle goes on to say that he supports gay marriage and believes there is no issue with it. 

The poor bloke seems frustrated with the fact that this argument has gone on for so long, and ends what is possibly the shortest speech in the Senate’s history with some serious shots fired toward the other members of the chamber.
“Have the guts to put your hand up either for or against – whichever way it goes. I hope it goes the way everyone is telling me that it’s gonna get through. Why are we spending taxpayers money? I’m opposing the plebiscite.”

Now, if only the whole marriage equality issue could be dealt with in under a minute. 

Source: Senator Glenn Sterle/Facebook.
Photo: APH/ParlView.