Tony Abbott Continues To Troll Us All, Eats Another Fucking Raw Onion

What the bloody hell have you done to Tony Abbott, Australia?

Prime Minister of our fair nation Tony Abbott has, for the second time in a week, eaten a raw onion, whole and unflinching, in the eyes of his critics and in the face of a nation who are now genuinely worried about the spirit of what must be a truly broken man.

Praying for you, honey.

During a visit to Tony Abbott’s office, Onions Australia CEO Lechelle Earl witnessed a sight to behold while she was thanking him for his unintended exposure for the onion industry of Australia. Earl told News Corp that Abbott went and chomped down on an onion—raw, with the skin on, à la Tone, as it’s now called—for no apparent reason whatsoever.

He peeled a bit of the skin off this time but he took a few bites. It was a brown onion. He checked it out, remarked that it was similar to the one the other day and then took a few bites and said it was tasty.”

A hamper of legitimately edible delights were also on offer. “He loved the quiche,” Earl told News Corp.


Well played, Tone, for trolling us all. All this talk has made me hungry.
