TODAY IN TIMEWASTAGE: You Can Now John Cenafy The Shit Outta Any Website

This is a momentous occasion in memeing history.

For the first time, an intrepid pioneer of internet bullshittery has assembled, the answer to all of your time-wasting prayers. Chuck any link you like in that there box, and watch as a whole new world of online possibilities open up to you – as long as those possibilities involve replacing everything on the internet with pro-wrestler and good dude JOHN CENA. 

We’ve already done you a solid and put ourselves through the wringer. OBSERVE:

It’s so beautiful.

The website is still a youngin’ and the servers are spotty as of rn, so a sneaky F5 sesh may be in order. Still, it’s so, so worth it. In the immortal words of the man himself:


Image: JP Yim via Getty.