TikTok Numbers Guy Gave A Lockdown Protest Speech, Which Def Proves He Isn’t *Really* A Genius

sydney lockdown protest tiktok guy

Jon-Bernard Kairouz, AKA the TikTok COVID numbers guy, just made an absolutely fkd speech at today’s lockdown protest in Sydney, including calling himself the “People’s Premier.” Y’know, in case you needed any further proof that he isn’t a genius. 

“Ladies and gentleman, it is a pleasure to be here as the People’s Premier,” the absolute buffoon told the crowd of mostly maskless idiots.

“Now, I have to say I’ve crunched the numbers, and I don’t think the cases will be going up tomorrow but from what I’ve calculated, there are over 50,000 people here today.

“For everyone that’s here—small businesses, people that are doing it tough, all we want is freedom.”

Do the so-called “50,000 people” protesting today realise that by not wearing masks and gathering in such a large crowd, they are, actually, making things tougher for themselves. And yes, that includes the Royal Dickbag and People’s Premier.

It doesn’t take a mathematics genius to predict numbers will probably spike after thousands of people went out with no masks on, or that we’ll see a shit tonne of Personal Infringement Notices at tomorrow’s NSW presser after the many photos of police arrests. Like many others in the crowd, Kairouz was not seen wearing a mask.


This is… so goddamn upsetting. When so many of us are doing the good thing and staying at home—and away from our friends, families, and jobs—stuff like this feels like a step backward.

If you want to feel sad, you can watch the full speech via The Sunday Telegraph‘s Jessica McSweeney here. According to SBS reporter Eden Gillepsie, the original TikTok of the speech has been deleted after “he received hundreds of comments from angry viewers.”

Even without seeing those comments, I know they’re right and should say it.

When asked about the video, a NSW Police spokesperson told PEDESTRIAN.TV: “We won’t have an update on anything protest-related until a bit later this afternoon as the operation is still ongoing.”

“But there will likely be a press conference that will address everything.”

Today, thousands of mostly maskless idiots have gathered in Town Hall to protest against the Greater Sydney lockdown. In footage taken from the scene by PEDESTRIAN.TV’s own Zac Crellin, you can hear protestors chanting “freedom!”, seemingly forgetting that protesting against a lockdown in large numbers during a pandemic and without masks will merely keep them inside longer. Read more on that here.

Earlier today, NSW Health recorded 163 local cases as NSW Minister for Health Brad Hazzard begged other states to offer some of their supply of the Pfizer vaccine to NSW.