Sydney Doctor Banned For Prescribing A ‘Gay Cure’

A Sydney doctor who prescribed chemical castration as a ‘gay cure’ to an 18 year old has been banned from general medical practice. The young male patient was referred to Dr Mark Christopher James Craddock by his church leader after a discussion about his sexual orientation.

The unnamed patient was advised by the church that there was medication he could go on to fix his “problem” inferring gayness is something that requires a cure – an absurd discriminatory opinion that is sadly still supported by people even in this day and age. Both the patient and GP were members of the exclusive Bretheren Christian sect at the time.

During a ten minute at-home consultation, void of a physical exam or any of those embarrassing (yet necessary) questions that doctors are supposed to ask, Dr Craddock wrote the man a script for Cyprostat. The drug is pretty serious stuff, designed to lower a man’s libido through the reduction of testosterone. Despite this, the patient was not told much about his prescription, not even about the potential side effects of the drug often used in the treatment of rapists and pedophiles.

After being found guilty of idiotic behaviour unsatisfactory professional conduct, Dr Craddock has said that, in hindsight, he probably should not have prescribed the drug. No shit Doc.

via SMH
Words By Nikki Brogan