Study Finds Kiwi Migrants Are Absolutely Bloody Miserable Here In Australia

Cards on the table, thanks to inherent Australian arrogance and the playful chiding rivalry we have with our siblings from across the Tasman, when you come across a study that claims New Zealanders living here are unhappier than any other type of immigrants, the brain immediately jumps to the conclusion that it’s probably because they can’t get any Pineapple Lumps out here or something.

And then you realise that the truth is actually far more serious and sinister than that and you feel a bit shit.
A new study has found that our Kiwi pals who live here aren’t exactly having the best time, and it’s mostly because of the racism and discrimination present out here.
The study, published by the Scanlan Foundation and Monash University, found that three in ten New Zealanders living in Australia ranked the racism present here as the thing they liked least about living here. And there’s a strong sense of discrimination present among Kiwi immigrants, due to the fact that they don’t receive the full benefit of Government support that immigrants from other regions receive.
Worse still, a staggering amount of Aotearoa ex-pats do not trust the guv’ment, and almost a third have an inherent distrust of other people here.
The survey of over 10,000 people returned the following pretty damning statistics:
  • 17% of Kiwis living here are unhappy.
  • 28% stated that their experience of life in Australia was way more negative than they’d expected.
  • Only 10% stated that they “trusted” Australian political parties.
  • 17% were keen to put their faith in the Federal Government.
  • 63% responded “you can’t be too careful” when asked if they actually trust other people out here.
Hooo boy.
We make fun, naturally, but the reality is that our wonderful Federal Government with its definitely-well-thought-out immigration policies hasn’t exactly made it easy for New Zealanders to live over here.
So uh, maybe shout your Kiwi mate an ice cold L&P and put on some Dave Dobbyn in between halves of the All Blacks game, yeah? It’s tough enough being away from home as is.
Photo: Brendon Thorne/Getty.