Stoner Bali Boy To Sell His Story For Six Figures To Nine Network

The family of the unnamed teenage boy awaiting trial in Bali over marijuana possession have apparently secured a six-figure ($200,00+) sum to ‘tell his story’ to the press overnight.

Clearly eager to rehabilitate himself – by making a stack of money – the boy will be ‘exposed’ on 60 Minutes and run interviews across the Nine Network and ACP Magazines, during which he will cry on demand, take long wistful walks down the street where he grew up (and probably still lives) and sign up for the next series of The Block. With Corey Delaney.

Australian media has a fantastic track record for rewarding morons. Earlier this week, the Kardashians managed to shut down the whole of Sydney’s Kings Cross – on a Wednesday – to launch a range of tacky handbags and attract more media attention than a boatload of asylum seekers drowning at sea off Indonesia. Keen viewers will remember that Channel Nine were also the ones who secured the rights to Clare Werbeloff‘s (aka The Chk Chk Boom Girl)’s story, despite the very obvious fact that she didn’t do anything interesting.

Of course, whatever money the boy’s family makes could be seized by the Australian Government under the laws against profiting from proceeds from crime, which saw the Supreme Court paw back over 100K out of another famous Bali stoner coup – Schapelle Corby‘s best-selling My Story, published while she was in prison. The ensuing media frenzy could also seriously comprimise how lenient the judge will be next Friday when he delivers the verdict. Most of all, it’s just plain disgusting and really blurs that line between us and the trailer trash, Jerry Springer America that we all laugh about from afar.

We can’t wait for his fashion line of balaclavas on the front cover of Who.

via SMH