Sarah Hanson-Young Keeps Giving, Invites Tony Abbott Aboard Mardi Gras “Chopper Float”

In the wake of #choppergate, every single MP’s expense entitlements are currently under investigation-by-media, except for Malcolm Turnbull, because he keeps unsubtly tweeting his enthusiasm for public transport.

Furthering the fuel for this travel expenses bonfire cluster-fuck, The Daily Telegraph ~revealed~ yesterday that Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young (also known as The Raven) took a $2,700 taxpayer funded trip to party town – a.k.a. 2013’s Mardi Gras in Sydney. Flights, accommodation, chauffeur-driven cars, the lot.

Except, as her office pointed out, this doesn’t really fall under ‘expenses scandal’.

When asked to comment by The Daily Telly, her office reminded them that, y’know, she is the Greens’ portfolio holder for LGBTI and key sponsor of a Marriage Equality Bill, and therefore had every right to be there.

“She has been invited to attend every year that she has held this portfolio. Both weekends of Mardi Gras for 2012 and 2013 listed were full weekends which included ­attending portfolio-related events, meetings and media commitments as are normally expected.”

S.H.Y echoed this sentiment on Twitter:

She then took to all social media channels to demonstrate her complete and utter shortage of fucks for the people throwing shade at her ‘expense outrage’ with this hilarious photo:

P.TV contacted S.H.Y this afternoon to get the inside scoop on the image that launched #rainbowgate

After assuring us the photo was “made by a friend” (whose name may or may not be Sarah Hanson-Young), she suggested the following:
At next year’s Mardi Gras we should have a rainbow chopper float and I’d be happy to invite Abbott to come aboard.”

To which we say: 
In light of the not-a-fucking-chance levels of Abbott actually taking her up on that offer, does the space need to be filled? Asking for a friend.

Images via Facebook.