Reckon Yr Xmas Was Sweet? Here’s How Celebs Are Celebrating The Holidays

It’s Boxing Day, which means that by now you’re probably gorging yourself on leftovers, wrestling over some discounted shit in a department store, or desperately trawling social media in search of something to distract you from the crushing boredom of being home for the holidays.

That is, if you’re a mere peasant, and not a celebrity. The upper echelon of humanity has been celebrating Christmas in all sorts of weird, lavish and downright ~extra~ ways. Friends, let’s go on a journey.

Mariah Carey wasn’t just being festive, she was ~*~festivating~*~, dahlings.

Festivating dahlings. ?????????????

A photo posted by Mariah Carey (@mariahcarey) on

Seriously though, look at the size of her freakin’ tree.

Madonna wanted us all to think that she was having Christmas with the goddamn Queen, for some reason.

Lena Dunham finally achieved her dream of becoming a mermaid.

And then she got her holiday wish aka her lifelong wish… we wish you a mermaid Christmas ??

A photo posted by Lena Dunham (@lenadunham) on

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth were predictably adorbs in their daggy jumpers.

Happy birthday Jesus

A photo posted by Liam Hemsworth (@liamhemsworth) on

Kris Jenner was gifted a mother flippin’ vintage sports car.

Ludacris posed with his family in cute matching onesies, but ruined it with a creepy hashtag.

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom visited some sick kiddos in California (bless ‘em).

Taylor Swift received “Christmas smooches” from her buddies Abigail Anderson and Lily Aldridge (while paying a v. subtle tribute to her m8 Ed Sheeran).

Christmas Smooches ??????

A photo posted by Lily Aldridge (@lilyaldridge) on

Clue: look at the bauble behind Taylor’s head.

If you’re feeling inadequate, just remember that social media is merely a smokescreen; a barrier behind which we can hide all those awkward Christmas conversations, inappropriate reactions to shit gifts we receive and racists asides from our crusty old uncles. After all, celebs are just like us, but with shinier faces and gold-flaked wrapped paper.

Source: Instagram & Twitter.