Michelle Obama Opens Up About Miscarriage In Emotional New Memoir

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama has opened up on her experiences with infertility and her “biological clock” in a candid new memoir, revealing that she had a miscarriage before undergoing IVF treatments to conceive her two daughters Sasha and Malia.

The former First Lady’s new book, Becoming, is released next week, and prior to this, she spoke with Robin Roberts of Good Morning America about the emotional difficulty she faced after the miscarriage, two decades ago.

She told Roberts that she felt it important to speak out on the experience, saying: “I think it’s the worst thing that we do to each other as women: not share the truth about our bodies and how they work and how they don’t work.”

It is believed that as many as one in four of all pregnancies may end in miscarriage, and yet they remain a taboo topic, which is something Obama hopes to try and change.

“I felt lost and alone and I felt like I failed,” she continued, “because I didn’t know how common miscarriages were, because we don’t talk about it. We sit in our own pain thinking that somehow we’re broken.”

She said that she and husband Barack Obama underwent marriage counselling to get through a difficult period in their relationship, and ultimately made the decision to try IVF treatments as “the biological clock is real, because egg production is limited.”

Becoming by Michelle Obama, which describes her experiences from young adulthood in south Chicago to the White House and beyond, will be released in Australia on November 14.