Melbs DJ Serving 2 Life Sentences On Drug Charges Moved To ‘Bangkok Hilton’

An Aussie man sentenced to two life sentences for drug offences in Thailand has been transferred to one of the planet’s most infamous prisons, for reasons his lawyer says are currently unclear. 

In 2014, Jake Mastroianni, a 26-year-old DJ from Melbourne, was nabbed in Pattaya for possessing 61 ecstasy pills. After pleading not guilty, he landed that heavy punishment from the incredibly drug-averse Thai legal system.

While his legal team has been attempting to transfer him to an Australian prison to see out the rest of his sentence, Mastroianni will now be serving time at Bang Kwang prison – colloquially known as the “Bangkok Hilton.”

Bang Kwang is known for its seriously harsh conditions, with as many as 18 inmates being crammed into a single cell. Death-row inmates also occupy the facility. 

Mastroinni’s lawyer Nathan Feeney told Fairfax “the move was unexpected because everyone who we spoke to at the prison where he was – Klong Prem – said that he would not be moved anytime soon.”

It was thought he’d spend at least six years at Klong Prem.
Feeney also said it’s unlikely that Mastroianni will be eligible for any sentence reductions after King Maha Vajiralongkorn revealed he’d provide amnesty to over 150,000 inmates. 
Having the ability to serve his sentence on home soil also seems like a distant goal, with Feeney saying it may not happen before 2025. 

Despite that, he confirmed he’s been in communication with various Thai and Australian authorities to increase the likelihood of Mastroianni’s transfer back, and he’ll be “drafting letters to His Majesty the King for certain reductions.”

Now, as always: don’t fuck with drugs in Thailand.