‘Low Income, Single Dad Cars’ Has Scored Itself A Rich Kid Parody

When the Facebook page ‘Low income, single dad cars‘ came about last year, its accuracy shook us to our very core.

If you grew up in a lower and/or middle-class household in the late ’90s to early ’00s, ‘Low income, single dad cars’ is a poignant time capsule.
Reading the posts feels like a really late coming of age because you realise, holy fuck, it’s not just my Dad who had a car without functioning seat belts and always finished yelling at my sister and I by grumbling, “you know I love you, don’t ya?”.
But if you were born with blue blood, a family crest and a holiday house in Portsea, the page is (tragically) a little hard to relate to.
We couldn’t have the wealthier among us discriminated against. So there now exists a page for the Gigis, Oscars, Bartholomews and Penelopes. 
It’s called High income, single dad cars and if your father’s in banking, we can almost guarantee you will like it:

Sure, it’s definitely not as painfully real as the original single dads page, but it’s pretty good nonetheless.
Photo: High income, single dad cars / Facebook.