Let’s Get This Hangover Free Booze Crowdfunded

Professor David Nutt who is, among many other things, Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology and director of the Neuropsychopharmacology Unit in the Division of Brain Sciences, needs funding for his research into his ‘synthetic alcohol’.

Nutt was recently the recipient of The John Maddox Prize which is awarded to individuals who have “promoted sound science and evidence on a matter of public interest.” We just about bust a Nutt in excitement upon hearing of this magical booze and wholeheartedy agree that ‘alcohol’ without the negative effects of alcohol, including a raging hangover and liver damage, is definitely in the best interest of this public.

If invented his ‘healthy alcohol’ would give you buzz of being drunk and would most likely come in a range of delicious cocktails; “there’s no question that you can produce a whole range of effects like alcohol by manipulating the brain,” Nutt said.
Professor Nutt also stated that he has an antidote to the substance, which would immediately block the effects and has already tested the prototype on himself: “I’ve been inebriated and then it’s been reversed by the antagonist.”
In a Radio 4 broadcast Nutt told Dragon’s Den presenter that he ‘didn’t expect funding from anyone in the drinks industry.’ Yeah, uh, we’re going to need to get this thing kickstarted asap.

si, padre.

Nutt was dismissed from the position of Chief Drugs Advisor for the UK government, this was allegedly because of his stance and lobbying on their drug policy; namely their illegal drug classifications and ‘pointless drug bans.’ It was also partly because of his research into the topic which, as the graph suggests, found the current classifications to be super wrong:

Image via. Researchers asked drug-harm experts to rank these illegal and legal drugs on various measures of harm both to the user and to others in society. These measures include damage to health, drug dependency, economic costs and crime.

In a recent post on The Coversation entitled ‘David Nutt: ‘I was sacked, I was angry, I was right’’ he said “It’s going back to the old Churchillian adage that science should be on tap not on top. And that’s just the wrong way round.” He also talks about the “censorship of ideas” within the US drug policy, whereby researchers found it near impossible to get grants to look into harm reduction and alternatives to current policy. Like, fuck the man, man.

Seem like him and those Aussie bros should really have a sit down together…

via News and Mirror
Professor David Nutt blogs at drugscience