Jelly Tots Are Back To Once More Fill Your Mouth With Their Sugary Seed

On one hand, this is a cause for celebration on par with Gaytime 2015: a small sugary, conical slice of our childhood will again be gracing supermarket shelves.  

Perhaps Allen’s Lollies are hoping to fill the Spearmint Leaves/Green Frog sized hole they recently created for themselves. Either way, a special thanks to this tireless campaigner for potentially being at least partially responsible for the return of the tot:

We did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Although they may not be exactly like the old ones, we did…

Posted by Bring BACK Allens Jelly Tots – Tiny Tots on Monday, 17 August 2015

But on the other hand, we now live in a different time. The Jelly Tots that we once knew are no more.

The Nestlé gods are cruel and have attempted to remove any semblance of sugar from the once glucose syrup-slathered sweets. Earth that was could no longer sustain artificial saccharin treats, they were so many.

Allen’s found a new recipe, they increased the size, upped the jelly-tottage, and claim to be free of unnatural colours.


And it must be said, they appear suspiciously akin to the Ripe Rasberries of old. 

As for how they compare in the Taste Department, that remains to be seen. For their part, Allen’s seem oblivious to the fact that the news is already out.