Jacqui Lambie Made It Official, Creating Political Party In Her Image

Tasmanian Pashmina Lord, Senator Jacqui Lambie, has announced her intention to form a political party, from whence she might try to take over the world.

Lambie, who has been uncharacteristically quiet on all social media fronts for the past couple of days, will further fight for her right to political party under the epithet ‘Jacqui Lambie Network.’

Full form HERE.

Like a baby lambi up for slaughter (sorry vego friends), the Senator’s party proposal will be laid bare until the end of April for her fellow citizens to ‘lodge objections.’

For now the Senator is not required to have 500 members locked in – as is the usual requirement – because she is somehow already a member of the upper house.

A spokesperson for the JLN, aptly named Rob Messenger, has indicated that the ~vibe~ of the party will be to vehemently oppose the introduction of Sharia law to Australia. So far, no word on whether they realise they’re fucking idiots.

More news and potentially more poorly photoshopped scarves on classic cartoon characters to come.

via ABC.