For The Love Of God Please Do Not Remake ‘The Princess Bride’

In today’s latest bullshit news outta Hollywood, Sony Pictures chief executive Tony Vinciquerra is publicly voicing the possibility of rebooting the classic film ‘The Princess Bride’.

“Very famous people whose names I won’t use,” Vinciquerra told Variety, “they want to redo ‘The Princess Bride.’

This is, and I can not stress this enough, a terrible fucking idea.

In an age of reboots and next generation adaptations, original ideas are few and far between. ‘The Princess Bride’ was already adapted from a book once, and everyone did a very good job. It was fun and quotable and mystical AND still holds up!! Watch it again! It’s just just as good as it was in 1987! Please, for all that is holy, do not tempt fate again.

The good news is most people had a similar response to a possible reboot. Cary Elwes, who starred in the original as the always charismatic Westley, hit the nail on the head one Twitter:

And actor Jamie Lee Curtis, married to Christopher Guest (the six-fingered man) said there was only one ‘Princess Bride,’ and “it’s William Goldman and Rob Reiner’s”.

Turns out, not many people are into the idea at all, really.

Hopefully, the insane ratio-ing Variety and all pro-reboot personalities have been receiving will send a clear message to the powers that be: we don’t need a new ‘Princess Bride.’ One already exists, and it owns.