Falls Festival Issues Warning Of “Extremely Dangerous Orange Pill” To Punters

Falls Festival Issues Warning Of "Extremely Dangerous Orange Pill"

Organisers of Falls Festival have sent out messages to punters in Lorne, Marion Bay and Byron Bay to warn of a ‘extremely dangerous orange pill‘ currently in circulation across Australia after advice from their medical teams.

The good news is they’ve had a totally safe festival in all locations so far, and the messages have been sent as a precautionary measure to ensure safety of patrons.

In a statement they’ve also stressed they’re there to help if you or any of your friends are having health concerns.


While the statement explains the orange pill itself is not guaranteed to kill, they have been advised it’s very dangerous and take the opportunity to remind patrons that regardless of pill variation, there is always a serious risk involved.

Also please remember that there will be police and sniffer dogs on site. So have an amazing time guys, look after each other, and please be safe.