Facebook’s Virtual Reality Project Is Simultaneously Rad And Terrifying

Not content with dominating every aspect of real reality, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has detailed his latest power-play to colonise virtual reality too. 

At a tech conference yesterday in San Francisco, the Zuck revealed his plans for Oculus, the VR firm Facebook snatched up earlier last year for the cool sum of $2 billion US. CNET reports the company thinks 3D wraparound video technology coupled with a headset would allow you to virtually see and react with the world through the eyes of others. 
If you’re not convinced that everyday life in the future could ever be that fucking crazy, Zuckerberg also cited the uptake of smartphones as an example of how easily world-changing tech can be repurposed for mundane tasks: Think how easily you can now order takeaway when you’re hungover, or how you can snap some artisanal dickpics the night before. As for himself, Zuckerberg is pretty stoked to experience his new bub’s first steps, saying he wants to “capture not just a photo but to really capture the experience.”
Turns out we’re keen on the technology down here too, with Tourism Australia investing in a huge VR campaign to show off our sweet af coastline. 
Clemenger BBDO exec Paul Nagy said the shoot would help would-be visitors get a feel for Oz. “There really is nothing like Australia, it’s a country you can totally immerse yourself in… We’re trying to get under the skin of our way of life and all that we have to offer – particularly when it comes to our aquatic and coastal environments.” Just watch out for those virtual drop bears.