Edward Snowden Spat Straight Twitter Fire Over New Data Retention Laws

Edward Snowden has been having a crack at our brand spanking new data retention laws, which went into effect today.

The new laws mean that every piece of communications “metadata” – info like who you email, when you called someone, and how long the call went for – can be retained, and possibly used as evidence against you in court.

If that doesn’t strike fear into your heart, Snowden has some choice words for you too:

Australia’s biggest telco’s are freaking out about the new regulations as well, and many are totally up shit creek in regards to even storing all of that information: again, that’s the context of every phone call, email, Tweet, kept on ice. For two years. 
Tweeting while hiding somewhere in Russia, it’s obvious ol’ mate Eddie is definitely not down with the news either. And if there’s anyone on the planet more qualified to drag data retention laws, we’d like to know about it.
Image: Thomas Trutschel via Getty