Donald Trump’s ‘TREASON?’ Tweet Is Such A Quality Meme Now

As we awoke on this fine Thursday morning, United States President Donald Trump had fired off one heck of a tweet. “TREASON?” it read in capital letters, nothing more, nothing less. What could evoke such a reaction from President Trump? Probably an anonymously written op-ed in the New York Times – claiming to be written by “a senior White House official – painting the president in a not so great way.

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The article titled ‘I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration‘, really guts the president and reveals how “many of the senior officials in his own administration are working diligently from within to frustrate parts of his agenda and his worst inclinations.” 

“I would know. I am one of them.”


The anonymous official goes on to tear through the president’s leadership describing it as “impetuous” and “petty” and how meetings see the president “engage in repetitive rants”. 

Naturally, Trump is PISSED and just a tad paranoid. The president has since attacked the “Failing New York Times” on his Twitter account.

Countless hours of the day have been spent trying to figure out who this anti-Trump figure is. Already, tens of articles have hit the internet all filled with conspiracy theories and guesses as to who this senior White House official could be.

But on Twitter, others really got to work. And by work I mean memes – so many memes.

First and foremost:

As for the mystery White House official, people genuinely believe it’s Vice President Mike Pence. Why? ‘Cos the author of op-ed used the word ‘lodestar’, which is now a very popular hashtag on Twitter. Word around the block is this particular word has popped up a lot in Pence’s public vocabulary.

For example:

In response to the op-ed piece, Trump shat on the New York Times, CNN, and the “gutless” anonymous senior official before talking about how good his administration has been for the United States.

In other thrilling news… this Twitter account is absolutely elite: