Criminal Cat Caught Nicking Tons Of Male Underwear From Clotheslines In NZ

Some crimes are almost too much for words. A local Tonkinese cat named Brigit in New Zealand has been terrorising its local community by stealing crisp and fresh pairs of underpants off local clotheslines and hoarding them in what one can only imagine is some kind of cat lair.

Brigit’s owner, who seems quite sorry about the quite frankly staggering extent of her feline’s remorseless crimes against common decency, posted:
“I feel so bad about it – someone is spending a fortune on underwear.

It’s all men’s. It’s really, really weird. She’s got really specific taste.

It’s an absolute obsession. A night does not go by without her bringing things home. I got up this morning and there were another four socks in the house.

One will be at the front door and one will be at the back door – so she’s obviously gone back to get the matching sock.

They feel as if they’ve come off the washing line – they’ve got that crispy feeling.”

The mind boggles at the enormity of the crime. The owner left a note for neighbours, announcing a kind of amnesty where they could claim their underwear no questions asked. 

It’s difficult to know precisely how the criminal cat in question responds to this wholesale surrender of the spoils of her heist, but one can only imagine that she is disgusted and ashamed – and rightfully so.
One hopes that the dacks are returned to their rightful owners, and that Brigit’s move will calm her and prevent future underwear theft. Until then:
Source: Mashable.
Image: Facebook.