Politics Nerds Have Been LIVING For The Malcolm / Barnaby Drama This Arvo

What a day, huh? What a bloody day.

If there’s one thing that consistently proves true about Australian politics, it’s that it’s about as mucky as they come while still mostly operating inside a legal framework.

This time round it’s been the Barnaby Joyce v Malcolm Turnbull saga that has all turned us into messy bitches who love drama.

Following Turnbull’s comments about Barnaby’s affair with his now-pregnant staffer yesterday – in which he called it “a shocking error in judgement” and chastised him for not conducting himself “with integrity and respect” –  the Nationals leader hit back in an extraordinary press conference.

“I have to say that in many instances [his comments] caused further harm. I believe they were in many instances inept, and most definitely in many instances unnecessary,” said Joyce.

He was preposterously angry, and also wore a rather large Akubra for no discernible reason.

It really was extremely big.


Commentators are calling it an all-out war between the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister.

As the ABC’s political editor Andrew Probyn says, “One way or another, Barnaby Joyce is cooked. The question is whether the rest of the Nationals let the Government get cooked with him.”

It’s essentially catnip for politically-enthusiastic Australians with a Twitter account to talk about the D-R-A-M-A, especially as Turnbull was scheduled to give another press conference that afternoon.


It ended up a bit of a shit-show, with Turnbull saying he stood by his comments the day before and repeatedly, unsuccessfully, attempting to turn the conversation back to Launceston‘s estuaries (the reason for the conference in the first place).

But regardless, political nerds spent most of the day discussing the unfolding drama on Twitter. It’s really been quite the Friday, tbh.

First, let’s check in with former Greens Senator Scott Ludlam.

Messy. bitch. who. loves. drama.

And now, let’s check in with everybody else.











What a day. What a week. Who the fuck needs reality television when you can head on over to ABC 24 for affairs, scandals, and red-faced politicians calling press conferences to have an almighty whinge.

Happy Friday, everybody!