The AMWU Spent Today Dragging Northern Beaches MP Jason Falinski On Twitter

Ooof, looks like Northern Beaches Liberal MP Jason Falinski might need to nip down to the shop to pick up some Vaseline, because the guy just spent the day being outrageously burned by the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union.

Falinski decided to post one of the most uncomfortable Boomerangs we have ever seen on Twitter in support of ice cream manufacturer Streets, who, in his words, are “a company that employs Oz, pays tax & makes a profit“.

Putting aside the issues at play here for just a second, the man clearly has never eaten a Bubble O’ Bill in his life, which is strange on two counts: 1) how hard is eating an ice cream really?, and 2) what kind of deprived existence means he has never eaten the cowboy ice cream before? What gives?

But more importantly, the Boomerang was Falinski’s way of getting into a controversial ~issue~, that being the current summer boycott of Streets – producers of Golden Gaytimes, Magnums and Rainbow Paddle Pops – launched on Sunday by the Union. The boycott is a response to Streets trying to terminate the existing workplace agreement between their parent company Unilever and Streets staff – an action which the Union says will slash employees’ pay by 46%, along with cutting overtime penalties and redundancy entitlements.

The AMWU, who represents Streets employees in the ongoing industrial dispute, decided to respond to Jason Falinski’s weird arse post with fire.

And that was only the beginning. Really the whole thread is worth your time, but hey, some highlights:

According to our ~inside sources~, the thread was inspired by this legendary thread from Christian Fox earlier this year, sledging infamous Republican lobbyist Roger Stone and his fashurrrn:

Gosh, we’re lucky to have Twitter, aren’t we?