ABC Fact Checked All Of Tony Abbott’s Claims & Promises, And It’s Not Good

Tony Abbott is the first PM to have been in and out in office since ABC Fact Check was launched, and now that he’s out, they’ve taken a look at how many claims were false, and how many promises were broken.

Spoiler: it’s an absolute fuckload.

Of the 34 claims that were tested (six while he was opposition leader, 28 while he was prime minister), Fact Check found that 11 were false (red), four were true (green), and 19 were somewhere in-between (orange).

Abbott made claims about the economy, immigration, the environment, employment, defence, health, law, social policy, and elections, and Fact Check tested a few from all of them. 

Employment turned out to be his best area, managing to score 2 green / 4 orange / 0 red.

Where he bombed the most were the economy (0 green / 4 orange / 3 red) and the environment (1 green / 7 orange / 3 red).

But in things that will surprise you absolutely zero percent, the most trafficked Fact Check was when Abbott WRONGLY claimed: “From time immemorial, in every culture that’s been known, marriage or that kind of solemnised relationship has been between a man and a woman.”

There’s also that time he casually dropped in that asylum seekers who come to Australia are attempting to break Australian law.

Say it with us now, Abbott, Morrison, Turnbull, and anyone else contributing to the ongoing detaining of people on Nauru and Manus Island: seeking asylum is not a goddamn crime.

As far as the 78 promises the Coalition made during the election go, Abbott managed to keep his word on 16, and broke 14.

A further eight promises are stalled, while a whopping 40 are ‘in-progress’ – but then again, it’s not like he had a full term to finish them off.


Get amongst Fact Check’s entire run-down of wrong claims and broken promises HERE.

Picture: Cameron Spencer via Getty Images.