A Hacker Tried To Derail NY Mag’s Powerful Cover But It Stands Strong

The world has gone into a state of digital melancholia after yesterday’s release of New York Magazine‘s carefully orchestrated and disquieting ‘Cosby: The Women‘ cover. 

The cover shows images (and the stories) of 35 of the 46 women that have accused Bill Cosby of rape and/or sexual assault, along with one empty chair – which the online world is heavily discussing the significance of. Does it represent the women who decided not to be featured, or does it signify women who Cosby attacked who may not have come forward yet at all? Or perhaps it generally signifies victims of sexual assault who no one listened to
The story very nearly didn’t make it online at all, with NY Mag’s website ‘crashing’ just before the important story broke. While people immediately assumed it was the work of Cosby’s lawyers, Complex have reported that it was the work of a hacker by the name of ThreatKing, who doesn’t care about Bill Cosby’s alleged sexual assaults at all – he just hates New York City and its media. 
In an interview with The Daily Dot, ThreatKing said that he hated NYC due to a bad experience last time he visited:
ThreatKing said his hatred of New York City is based on a visit to the city gone wrong. “I went to new York 2 months ago. It was really bad,” ThreatKing said. “Someone pranked me. Everyone started laughing and shit. The first 10 hours being there. Some African-American tried to prank me with a fake hand gun.” 
That’s why, he said, he “[wants] to see people die at [sic] New York.” “I’ve seen many pranks gone wrong at new york. That got me pissed. That’s why I chose New York. 
“I’ll try my best to keep [New York] offline for 14 hours,” ThreatKing said, adding, strangely, that “we would control the Internet if we had enough money. Because each server costs money.”
So a bizarre weirdo with an Internet connection managed to bring down one of the most important articles we’ve seen about the Bill Cosby case, and contribute to the ever-present silencing of sexual assault victims.
Luckily, the world showed that no matter how much hatred, violence, and idiocy – there are still good, caring, empathetic people left in the world. The cover has instigated some incredibly important conversations and support networks online for victims of sexual assault, rape, and abuse. 
So, instead of focussing on ThreatDipshit, let’s instead take a look at how people on social media have turned #TheEmptyChair into a hashtag symbolising a conversational safe-place – so if you one of the many who sit in #TheEmptyChair, you can feel safe and secure if you wish to speak about your experience, and receive community support. 

Heartwarming, and so important. Nice one, NY Mag. Great work, humanity. 
via NY Mag / Twitter
Image via NY Mag
Violence against women is never acceptable. If you or someone you know is experiencing physical or sexual abuse, calls can be made 24 hours a day on 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732), or you can chat to a counsellor online at www.1800respect.org.au.