Uffie, Aoki, Cobrasnake, JD Samson : New Years Eve Sydney

What happens when you get Models, Social Photographers, Designers, D Grade Celebs, Djs and Selektas in the same room? THE BEST FUCKING NEW YEARS EVE PARTY YOU WILL EVER GO TO!

Yeah that’s right Asian Jesus Steve Aoki and his Ed Banger starlet Uffie will be in Sydney getting sweaty with you this New Years Eve along with Le Tigre’s girlman JD Samson and our favourite web2.0 entrepreneur Mark the Cobrasnake + Dangerous Dan & the usual Ksubi Entourage.

I guess there’s only one question left unanswered, will this be the best party of 2008 or 2009 or both?

New Years Eve 2008/2009
The Phoenix – 34 Oxford St, Darlinghurst – Sydney.

-Steve Aoki (Dim Mak)
-Uffie (Ed Banger)
-JD Samson (Le Tigre)
-The Cobrasnake (thecobrasnake.com)
-Dangerous Dan (Bang Gang/Ksubi)
-Jovi (Bandits / Bang Gang Manager)

10PM $50+BF : tickets available @ Ksubi Shops & SPANK! records.