Tom Hardy’s 1999 Hip-Hop Mixtape Has Leaked & It’s Not Half-Bad, Actually

It’s no secret that Tom Hardy, before he became a human weapon and thirst target extraordinaire, dabbled in hip-hop. He’s spat bars when the situation demands it, though we’ve had little exposure to his actual material.

Well, no longer. Some enterprising online fans have obtained and uploaded Hardy’s 199 mixtape Falling on Your Arse, which was produced by TV director Ed Tracy. And it’s… pretty alright, actually? It’s very much late 90s UK rap, pre-grime and massively influenced by DJ Shadow and the like.

But it’s not bad? Hardy is a reasonably capable rapper, so long as you’re a fan of that particularly identifiable sound of white Brits rapping. He kinda sounds like a Pommy Zack de la Rocha at points. It’s not incredible, but it certainly puts him in a high percentile when it comes to Hollywood.