The Virgins Like Art?

First of all I’d like to bias this entire blog post by saying that I am indeed a fan of The Virgins.

Secondly I’d like to challenge you to a game. The rules are simple: i) count how many names are dropped in the course of the following 300 words ii) play ‘Hipster or Cynic’ with us and see whether the dropping of the names leave you a) intrigued to find out more about The Virgins or b) leaves you resenting them because no matter how much you tried to be a good looking new york streetkid with successful art friends you never quite succeeded.

The Virgins sound like what the Teenagers would probably sound like if they were more intent on longevity rather than making you giggle.

The Virgins’ sound is transparent enough that you can clearly hear the bass wriggle under the dare I say it, at times seemingly, funk inspired guitar lines. The swagger of the vocals will no doubt draw their vocalist Donald Cumming his fair share of Julian Casablancas comparisons but he does it quite well.

The Virgin’s story could very well be classed in the urban fairy-tale section here’s an abridged version:

You may recognise Donald Cumming and perhaps a couple of other members of the Virgins in the photography of New York artist Ryan McGinley

The Virgins’ First EP was largely distributed across New York by A-Ron as a promo giveaway at his a NY Thing Stores

The Virgins’ self-titled debut album features cover art that is a colab between Terry Richardson and another New York artist Dan Colen.

The Virgins have already been featured on Entourage and Gossip Girl as well as playing with the likes of Mark Ronson, Tokyo Police Club and Jet (yes WTF I though they were dead as well)

Their album comes out stateside this week and is streaming live on Myspace

Photo via The Virgins Facebook Page