Some Idiot Hacked Tame Impala’s Twitter And Sent Bomb Threats To Airlines

A lot of celebrity Twitter accounts have been hacked recently. First it was Katy Perry. Then, last night, someone got into Tenacious D‘s account and sent out a fake announcement that Jack Black had died. 

Now, Aussie psych rockers Tame Impala have copped it, and whoever did it is inexplicably sending out bomb threats to major airlines in-between shoutouts to their mates’ Instagram accounts. If they really are his friends’ accounts, thats what we in the biz would call ‘leaving a paper trail’.
Cop a gander at this nonsense:
The tweets were deleted pretty quickly, as you might imagine. I think they should have left this gem up, though:
Let me say this: there are potentially better and less illegal ways to bolster your crew’s Insty likes than sending bomb threats to Malaysia Airlines via a popular band’s Twitter page. Then again, I only have like 500 Instagram followers so what the hell do I know?
Source: Twitter.
Photo: Getty Images.