Rolling Stones’ Set Induces Labour, Baby Girl Born At Glastonbury

The Rolling Stones have defied the laws of reproductive nature during their Glastonbury Debut on Saturday night, with their set proving to be so very potent, pregnant festival goer Heidi Wesson soon after went in to a two week early labour to welcome her baby daughter in to the world. 

The birth brings baby Ivy in to a society where she will be able to trump every festival-going poser that ever dared to pose. You can only assume that the first words uttered from her mouth will be a sassy, “hmm, you think you’re cool? I was BORN at Glastonbury. I AM GLASTONBURY.” She’ll have a point. 

Wesson reportedly told The Independent that her and her newborn were doing “fine and fabulous”. Well of course she’s doing fabulous; the first breath of air she experienced was Glastonbury air.  

You’d think that Glastonbury babes were a rare occurrence, however a spokesperson for the festival said, “We’d like to send our congratulations to the family. We look forward to welcoming them back in future years. We’ve had babies born here that are now grown-ups. They still come every year. That’s a beautiful thing.”

Title photo by Ian Gavan for Getty.

Via THR.