NYC Trying To Drop Anti-Dancing Laws

It’s hard to think that the most culture packed city in the States can have anti-dancing laws… What’s up with that?

Mayor Bloomberg has realised that the cabaret license is killing his city’s steez and finally has decided to try lose it via City Hall.

‘We either want to eliminate the license or establish a different license so that it would be less onerous for people to engage in dancing… as it exists it really doesn’t offer a reasonable opportunity for New Yorkers to dance at clubs.’ Said one of Bloomberg’s City Hall homeboys.

B-Berg’s admin team are currently in talks with the Consumer Affairs Department, which issues the licenses, and the NYPD, which enforces them, to make the change. It is also considering forming a task force to examine the issue.

So if New York’s hipsters are finally allowed to dance, will Chk Chk Chk retire? I might be wrong but wasn’t Louden Up Now meant to be the public voice against the cabaret license? Maybe I should rephrase that… Will abolishing the license mean the virtual death of !!! ?