New Jack Ladder Video – “The Barber’s Son”

Adopting a pseudonym must have been an easy decision for the unfortunately named Tim Rogers. Unfortunate that is, if you happened to be born in Australia, were under forty years of age, or had aspirations to be a musician – all criteria Rogers met. He settled on Jack Ladder and the rest as they say is history.

Much like his namesake, Ladder mines the past and reinterprets it with a modern twist and confident swagger that however is where the similarities end. Where Tim Rogers (the You Am I frontman) thumps listeners into submission via overdriven hooks and a banshee howl, Ladder’s sonic palette is more refined, leaner and more eclectic.

The Jack Ladder moniker is strangely befitting of the old world croon he possesses and in the the video for “The Barber’s Son” taken from the Love Is Gone LP that earned Ladder the AMP award for “outstanding potential”, one gets the feeling he was born in the wrong decade. Maybe he was meant to be the original Tim Rogers after all. Regardless, any video that features cybernetic Pivot drummer Laurence Pike and a piece of fruit so prominently is alright by us. Enjoy…