Innocuous One Direction British GQ Covers Incur Death Threats, Wrath Of ‘Directioners’

“Punch those sluts”; “Die in hell from chlamydia”; “You stupid cunts”; “I’m going to take your testicles and pound them with a hammer”; “Go fuck [yourself] with a chainsaw up [your] asshole till it mutilates [your] insides” and “I’m gonna bomb your headquarters” are some of the evocative empty threats levelled at the editors of British [and, misguidedly, American] GQ after the magazine unveiled its September issue covers featuring all-singing no-dancing Ewoks One Direction, accompanied by ‘engaging’ copy designed to generate sales and discussion of what are otherwise five pretty innocuous covers. 

Following the reveal, British GQ received an influx of often obscene, violent tweets not dissimilar in sentiment to those which have resulted in the arrest of a 21-year-old earlier this week in the UK. After their website crashed under a deluge of dream traffic, both British and American iterations of the magazine issued separate statements in response both foregrounding some of the more extreme responses and redirecting the wrath misplaced toward the American magazine respectively, because the two are, in fact, entirely separate publications.
Below are the offending covers interspersed with some of the more vivid tweets from the crazed Directions, per GQ.
That’s what makes them beautiful, I guess? 
